Urban Management Centre (CIN: U74140GJ2005NPL46310) is registered as a not for profit company under Section 8 of The Indian Companies Act, 2013. UMC receives grants from many domestic and international sources, including foundations, governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies. UMC is registered under the FCRA Act. A full accounting of annual finances and grants is available below.
UMC is certified by GuideStar India and has received Advanced Level -Gold Certification and is also registered with NGO Darpan of Niti Aayog, Govt. of India (ID: GJ/2017/0172920). UMC is verified by NGOsource as equivalent to US Public Charity.
Urban Management Consulting Pvt. Ltd (CIN:U93090GJ2007PTC050332) is registered as a private limited company under the Indian Companies Act 1956.