- Last mile gaps in WASH services, especially in slums and slum-like settlements
- Limited community participation
- Absence of robust service delivery performance measurement and monitoring mechanisms
- Lack of interdepartmental coordination
- Limited public awareness efforts towards sustainable WASH

To put Sanitation Mapping into practice, we are creating and enabling community groups called MISAAL Settlement Committees (MSC) – a residents’ welfare association (RWA) equivalent of slum settlements. The MSC are enabled to prepare their own Settlement Improvement Plans (SIP), where communities prepare a map of their settlements, diagnose civic issues, identify stakeholders, and draw an action plan to undertake the improvements. Behavior change communication (BCC) is pivotal to ODF sustenance. UMC has developed simple tools that enables community led “learning by doing” to drive behavior change communication. The MSC are trained and capacitated to use these tools which brings about participatory platforms for conducting BCC for ODF sustenance.
The ‘Sanitation Mapping Tool’ helps the ULBs to make their public and community toilets (PT/ CT) ODF+ compliant. The tool enables the following:
- Identify infrastructure gaps and prepare a repair and refurbishment plan with cost estimates based on Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal.
- Monitor cleanliness of PT/ CT periodically (daily/ weekly/ monthly/ quarterly).
- Monitor infrastructure and cleanliness of status at the state/ city level.
Some of the salient features of the tool are as follows:
- Geotagged assessment of PT/ CTs
- Maintains a unique ID for each facility
- Assign unique ID to each of the surveyed public and community toilets
- Represent surveyed PT/ CTs spatially on Google Maps
- Can accept data from with Google Toilet Locator app
- Dynamic dashboard with graphs/ charts for 20 parameters of all facilities assessed at city/ state/ national level
- OTP based user registration and subsequent logins (no need to remember passwords)
- User-friendly web based interface compatible with all mobiles and tablets for android, IOS and Windows platforms
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of the urban poor in many ways including loss of livelihoods for many young adults and an abrupt end of education for children in municipal/ government schools. Since March 2020, municipal/ government schools have been closed and many teachers have been assigned emergency duties to battle COVID-19 by the government. The students of these schools are also devoid of access to digital tools and devices to continue online learning unlike their counterparts in private schools.
Urban Management Centre (UMC) with support from USAID is implementing Moving India Towards Sanitation for All (MISAAL) program to strengthen WASH and community engagement in urban poor settlements in and Ahmedabad, Porbandar (Gujarat), Sambalpur (Odisha), and Jodhpur (Rajasthan).