The Terms of Service administer your use of this website and its services. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the site or the services. By using the site or the services, you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions including the policies referenced in these terms. These Terms and Conditions may get modified from time to time.
While UMC makes every effort to ensure that the content of the website is accurate and up-to-date, but does not warrant to be referred to at or in any forums for its reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information as appearing on the website. UMC has authority and rights to delete or update complete or part of the information included in this website without prior intimation of any kinds. The content and the information published on this website are solely for information and education purpose only.
All materials contained and or uploaded on our site, including photographs, video clips, reports and text are property of UMC group and thus are protected under Indian laws of copyright. Using our services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our services or the content you access.
Unless otherwise specified or notified on the web page that particular materials/information published are for its restricted use, downloading, copying, reproducing, modifying and republishing the content from this website for distributing publically or using commercially will be in violation of copyright and proprietary rights of the owner – UMC.